Delicate Dynamic Duo

Hi, lovely readers..

Now I am back sharing beauty products that I've tried, and loving at the moment. I am talking about the ULTIMA II DELICATE CRÈME MAKE UP, and DELICATE TRANSLUCENT FACE POWDER.

For the longest time, I've been loving glowing from within & radiant makeup looks. To achieve that kind of look, I load some highlighters on. But load too much highlighter can make the face looking sweaty & reflecting like disco ball on photo. And I don't want that!

I've tried ULTIMA II Delicate Creme & Powder for about 3 weeks now. And I LOVE these combo.
FYI, my skin type is oily on the cheeks & T-zone, dry on the sides of the nose & perimeter of the face. 

Although it is powder, the Delicate Translucent Powder is amazing. It is infused with soluble collagen powder which is perfect to pair with Delicate Creme Make Up to get a smooth & flawless finish look.
The powder is so light weight, and silky smooth. It has micro pearl shimmer to blur fine lines too.
The only downside of this powder is the scent. I prefer unscented powder, so I can put them on my clients who have very sensitive skin. Not an annoying scent though, the scent doesn't linger all day.

ULTIMA II Delicate Translucent Powder comes in 5 colour selection which are suitable for Asian women's skin color in general.
And the ones that I got is Neutral, and Pink Shell.
It retails for Rp 165.000,-

ULTIMA II Delicate Creme Makeup is awesome! This is a star, a hot-HOT product. It goes smoothly like cream, but set into velvet powdery finish. Gives me flawless, poreless base to work with.
Just like the Delicate Translucent Powder, it contains collagen as well. It makes the creme makeup so easy to blend when applying to the face using the sponge that comes with it. When applying using the sponge, just dab & press the area where you want more coverage, don't drag it.
ULTIMA II Delicate Creme Makeup has medium-high coverage, with a demi matte finish that look like skin.

There are six shades available, and I got 3: Ivory, Peach, and Buff.
The price for ULTIMA II Delicate Creme Makeup is Rp 200.000,-/each.

Buff - Peach - Ivory
Bare face

- Ivory on the centre part pf the face
- Peach on the cheeks & forehead
- Buff on the perimeter of the face & upper lips

- Bake highlight points using Pink Shell
- Set the entire face using Neutral

Finished look with eye makeup, lipstick, and a little of bronzer.
I love the finished look using ULTIMA II DELICATE CRÈME MAKE UP, and DELICATE TRANSLUCENT FACE POWDER. These two are just perfect paired together, a dynamic duo.
If you want that Korean glowing look without being greasy, you'll totally love this dynamic duo. So easy to blend, it covers imperfections nicely, and won't break the bank for a huge amount of product.

You can get yours at Matahari Department Store, AEON BSD, METRO Department Store, Centro, Keris Gallery Puri Indah, Citrus, Cahaya Bintaro, Sogo Kota Kasablanka, Sarinah Thamrin, Debenhams Senayan City, Star Summarecon Bekasi.

Or shop online on

You can find out more about this dynamic duo on ULTIMA II's
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- Instagram:
- Youtube:


Have you tried any ULTIMA II Delicate makeup?
If you have any question, leave them down below on the comment section.

See you on the next post.


Clear View with Eyezen by ESSILOR

Hi lovely readers,

Lama tak jumpa. Kali ini saya mau bahas tentang kacamata. Tepatnya lensa kacamata.

Saya pertama kali memakai kacamata waktu duduk di kelas 5 SD. Mama saya selalu berpikir bahwa saya tidak perlu bantuan kacamata buat melihat jarak jauh, karena dikira saya ingin berkacamata karena ikut-ikutan teman dan kakak saya(ada yang begini juga?).
Karena kasus denial itu, minus mata saya tambah parah. Dan kurang bisa mengikuti pelajaran sampai kelas 5 SD.

Dulu, lensa kacamata ya beneran kaca. Kalau jatuh, retak, bye kacamata. HAHA. Dan lensa kaca itu tebal, dan berat. Waktu SMP pindah ke Jakarta, bikin kacamata baru. Lensanya sudah plastik, ringan, dan kalau tidak salah ingat kita bisa minta lensa plastiknya disepuh warna biru atau ungu, biar mirip sunglasses. Tapi karena dulu pilihnya lensa plastik yang terjangkau, fokusnya tidak jernih. Tidak ada coating khusus lensa, jadi tiap dilap pakai kain fiber, ada guratan halus di lensanya.

Sekarang di dunia yang apapun serba digital, kehidupan sehari-hari kita tidak lepas dari gadget. Dibangunkan, dari jam weker ponsel. Sebelum tidur, cek-cek Instagram, email, chat, dan YouTube dari kanal kesukaan. Dan saya baru tahu bahaya radiasi gadget ke mata dari bertambahnya minus kacamata saya beberapa tahun belakangan ini.
Selain dari faktor ponsel, mata miopi kita sendiri juga butuh bantuan lensa kacamata untuk melihat lebih jelas. Dan jenis lensa sekarang banyak macamnya.

Saya baru-baru ini beli kacamata baru, dan memasang lensa Eyezen Essilor. Lensa ini mengklaim bahwa bisa memfilter 20% radiasi UV biru/ungu dari pancaran layar gadget. Dan lensa Eyezen ini sudah dilapisi Crizal, jadi pandangan kita lebih jernih, lensa tidak cepat baret kalau dilap, engga cepat berdebu(ini penting, karena saya bersepeda motor ke tempat kerja), dan tahan air.

Dengan adanya filter biru Light Scan Tech di lensa Eyezen, mata terlindung dari paparan sinar biru yang ditimbulkan oleh perangkat digital. Dan Essilor terkenal dengan inovasi lensa menggunakan teknologi canggih, jadi lensa Eyezen lebih cepat fokus untuk mata miopi saya. 

Dan dengan adanya W.A.V.E. Tech mau mendongak, menunduk, duduk tegak, fokusnya tetap jernih, pandangan tetap luas. Ini yang bikin saya tertarik dengan lensa Eyezen.
W.A.V.E. Tech(Wavefront Advanced Vision Enhancement) ini memfilter cahaya yang masuk ke retina kita. Teknologi ini memastikan tidak ada distorsi cahaya objek, so what you see is as what it is. Engga reyot sana sini, seperti yang diprojeksi oleh lensa single vision.

Selain itu, dengan Eyezen Focus, objek yang kita lihat lebih jernih dan tajam.

Harga lensa Eyezen Essilor sekitar Rp 1.000.000,- dan bisa dibeli di optik-optik besar di kota mu.
Mata sangat penting. Penglihatan saya sangat terbantu dengan lensa Eyezen. Dengan investasi sedikit lebih, mata saya tidak cepat capek kerja depan laptop.

Lensa Eyezen, inovasi terbaru dari Essilor.

Kamu sudah pakai lensa Eyezen?
Leave comment di bawah ya.


Kuku Sehat Dengan EMTRIX

Hi, lovely readers..

Belakangan ini, saya suka sekali nail extension, dan nail art menggunakan kutek gel. Rasanya, dengan nail extension gitu jemari saya terlihat lebih panjang, dan bersih(atau 'high maintainance' bahasa gaulnya).  :D

By: @coconailxpress
Untuk kuku dibikin cantik seperti ini, permukaan kuku asli saya dikikir agak kasar sedikit supaya kutek gel-nya lebih 'greget'. Dan tidak seperti kutek biasa, kutek gel ini benar-benar tahan lama, dan untuk di'keras'kan harus di bawah lampu UV/LED.
Dan dengan kuku yang indah dihiasi kutek, sering banget saya melupakan bagian dalam kuku. Ada debu, kotoran, dll di dalamnya saya kadang lupa memperhatikannya. Dan cuci tangan saja tidak sering saya lap bagian dalam kuku. Celakanya, mikroorganisme suka sekali berkembang biak di area yang lembab. EWW!

By: @coconailhouse
Makanya, sekarang saya lebih memperhatikan lagi kesehatan, dan kebersihan kuku(jari jemari, karena ini modal utama seorang seniman rias selain kuas-kuas!).

Terutama karena sering kutekan gel, kuku dikikis, jadi lebih tipis. Saya takut retak(ini agak lebay, kuku saya tidak selemah itu - LOL). Karena kuku tipis juga, saya takut kena penyakit kuku.

By: @felizenailart
Saya lebih sering memperhatikan kuku jemari tangan saja. Selalu lupa dengan kuku-kuku di jari kaki. Selain saya malas pedicure (karena saya tidak tahan gelitik, tiap telapak kaki dilap/digosok), saya merasa kuku-kuku jari kaki saya baik-baik saja.

Ternyata ini lah titik salah saya. Jamur/bakteri lebih senang lagi hinggap dan berkembang biak di jari-jari kaki kita. Apalagi saya sering pakai sepatu buat jalan-jalan.
Tanda-tanda kuku yang berjamur adalah kukunya berubah warna kekuningan/keabuan, rapuh, dan kukunya menebal dengan permukaan bergelombang.

Survey online terhadap 2.244 respondan Pria & Wanita 

Nah, kalau kuku kita berjamur(onikomikosis), selain 3 tanda-tanda yang saya sebut tadi, bisa juga jadi bau! Terus pertama yang kita lakukan di dunia digital ini adalah ke search engine untuk mencari tahu cara menghilangkan bau. Ada yang pakai kopi, air garam, dll. OH NO!

Kalau ada yang berbau tak sedap, cari tahu penyebabnya apa. Dan kalau ternyata sakit, lebih baik diobati dengan benar, supaya cepat sembuh/tidak bau, dan hasilnya pasti. Jangan sampai kita memakai cara alternatif, jamuran sudah parah, baru cari obat.

Sekarang, kita sudah bisa beli obat yang dapat dibeli secara bebas(tanpa resep dokter) untuk mengobati jamur kuku. EMTRIX adalah obat masalah kuku yang disebabkan jamur, dan psoriasis(penyakit yang tidak diketahui penyebab sebenarnya) dari Jerman. Dengan 3 bahan aktif: Propilene glikol, urea, dan asam laktat, EMTRIX menyembuhkan kuku berjamur secara efektif dalam 2-4 minggu. Caranya cukup dengan oles secara merata ke permukaan kuku yang bermasalah, dengan tidak melupakan bagian pinggiran, dan bawah kuku.

Untuk menjaga kesehatan kuku, dipakai 1x sehari pada malam hari sebelum tidur.
Jaga selalu kesehatan kuku. Jangan hanya ditutupi dengan sepatu/kutek/kuku palsu kalau kukunya sakit. Dan setahu saya, nail salon manapun, mereka tidak akan menerima client yang kukunya berjamur, karena bisa mencemari peralatan-peralatan mereka.

Dengan kemasan tube, dan silicone tip yang seperti pensil, sangat memudahkan saya untuk memakaikan EMTRIX ke pinggiran kuku, dan sela bawah kuku.
EMTRIX bisa dibeli di seluruh toko obat modern dengan harga Rp 230.000,- (ini isinya banyak! Bisa dipakai 3-4 bulan).

Muka cantik, kuku sehat, dan keep smiling..

Untuk info lebih lanjut, bisa kunjungi:

Atau bisa juga chat bersama mimin EMTRIX di sosmed:
*Facebook: EMTRIX Indonesia
*Twitter:      @EmtrixID
*IG:          emtrix.healthynails

--- ***** ---

See you on the next post, lovely readers.


Benefit Cosmetics On Luxola

Hi, lovely readers..

I got a story for you about my favourite makeup brand, and online store.

I've been a loyal customer of Luxola since the beginning. At first, they were only selling few brands of nail polishes, makeups, and basic body care products. BUT now, nail patches, bath & body, faux lashes, etc you name it.
And what Luxola selling are ready stock products. No pre-order, no waiting for your order come to you by another 30-40 days. YAY for that!

Luxola was focusing on southeast/pacific Asia. For now, they even ship to United Arab Emirates, and Australia! 
They are growing so fast, they have their own warehouse now in Jakarta. 


One of my favourite cosmetic brand. Their makeup gives instant fixes with a dose of humour. It shows on their packaging, and their visuals.
And Benefit Cosmetics for the first time, and EXCLUSIVELY available for purchase by online on LUXOLA.

Do not worry, Luxola always selling authentic cosmetics. The authenticity is assured by BPOM labels that you'll find on every cosmetics products you'll receive.
Luxola respects the brands, and their customers by selling original products. No counterfeited goods you'll get on Luxola

Label BPOM

If you are clueless of how to purchase, or got questions for Luxola, go to their FAQ page[click here]. If you are still not get it, chat with their customer service on"Chat with us!" pop up on the web, or call +622129043652.

Shopping at Luxola is always a great experience. The services are great, the delivery takes only 1-3 days for JABODETABEK area (2-6 days for another Indonesia area). Free delivery service for purchase above Rp 200.000,-!

Not only that, you can find lots of promotion going on Luxola. They will give us "Promo Code" for certain promo in a period of time. So, don't forget to subscribe to their newsletter, and get updated for their offers.

At the cart page, you can spot "PROMO CODE", and below that there is "LX POINTS BALANCE".
It is a part of Luxola loyalty programme. For every purchase of Rp 9.000,- you will get 1 point in your account. And when you review a product that you've purchased in Luxola, you'll get 10 points.

By redeeming 100 points, Rp 50.000,- will be cut on your total purchase. SO COOL, I KNOW! It makes me coming back everytime, because I'm a sucker for promotions, and rebate. Teehee~
It also feels more convenience than having to rush the traffic, and shop at the mall. Free delivery, promo code, and redeem points. Fast, no transport fee, and fuss free.

And the payment method you can choose by credit card, bank transfer, or Cash On Delivery(limited area coverage by this method).

The packaging is so neat! It came with bublewrap on the products, and the envelope to store the products also made of bublewrap! 
Any other online store on Facebook, or Instagram, it will only coming to your door wrapped up in newspaper or envelope.

I bought Benefit They're Real Mascara in colour Beyond Blue, and Benefit Blush Booster Majorette.
And I am loving them. The mascara lengthen while giving the right volume to my lashes, and the Majorette can be used on its own as a cream-to-powder blush, or as a booster for another powder blusher with a coral-orange tint.

Blue Lashes, Coral Cheeks <3
For my readers who are living outside Jakarta, you can easily buy Benefit Cosmetics on Luxola now.
Authentic products, free delivery, and lots of promotions! You can even redeem your points for next purchase. HUWAAA~

Are you a Luxola customer?
What are your thoughts for their services? 
Let me know on the comment below. And I wish you have great experience with them like I have. ^_^


Pout Post: MARC JACOBS LoveMarc "Roleplay"

Hi, lovely readers..

Another day, another pout post.

I want to spread my love for this particular shade of Marc Jacobs Beauty LoveMarc lip gel, Roleplay.
This is a very pretty pinky nude shade.

Marc Jacobs Beauty lovemarc lip gel in the colour "Roleplay"

The packaging is sleek, all black. Classy AF!
And the cap is magnetic as well. Whenever I close it, the satisfaction & assurance that the cap won't come off is real.

As for the texture, it is moisturising. Glides like butter on the lips. And this lipstick doesn't accentuate liplines. It makes the lips look so smooth. 
The longevity is mediocre for this lipcolour. But I won't mind reapplying this fancy lipstick on public. Teehee.

Marc Jacobs Beauty lovemarc lip gel in the colour "Roleplay"

The colour is sooo pretty. It's not too pink, that make you look sick.
It is perfect in between pale pink-nude colour. 
On the swatch photo above, I outlined the lips using Make Up For ever aqua lip pencil 14C. As this lipstick bullet doesn't have the sharp edge, lipliner is needed for crisp lip swatch. :))

Have you try out any Marc Jacobs LoveMarc lip gel?
What do you think for this one? Do you love the colour? I know I do..